The City of Copenhagen

Waste and recycling portfolio management

The City of Copenhagen, Denmark aims at tripling recycling rates in Copenhagen and significantly reducing CO2-emissions
Key statistics
waste from homes and businesses targeted for recycling
tons of expected reductions in CO2 emissions from waste incineration
million Euros budget for action plan
Die Herausforderung

Copenhagen aims for 70% waste recycling to cut CO2 emissions by 59,000 tons

The City of Copenhagen has an ambitious plan to collect 70% of waste from homes and businesses for recycling with the aim of tripling recycling rates in Copenhagen and reducing CO2-emissions from incineration of waste with 59,000 tons. All before 2024.

This is a huge undertaking with an action plan comprising of a multitude of programs across all municipal branches and with a budget of more than 100 million Euros.

Die Lösung

F2 portfolio management model enables coordinated municipal execution

A F2-portfolio management model was designed to serve the needs of the municipality.

The Executive Management Steering Group is responsible for the execution of the plan and the resources allocated to it. But the actual implementation is being handled by a broad group of program managers spread across the municipality.

And the nature of the programs is very diverse. From educational efforts to technological innovation. The overall results are provided from national databases and data from the incineration facility, but there is little opportunity to measure single program effects.

The solution calls for self-assessment reporting by program managers – supported by their unit heads accounting both for results achieved and milestones ahead. Allowing for the responsible department to do progress reports and couple with aggregated net results.

Das Ergebnis

Scalable solution now available for carbon action plan implementation

The solution is now part of the F2 solution library and could be used for municipal Carbon Action Plan implementation.

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